The loudness of a sound depends on the wave's amplitude.
The louder the sound, the higher the amplitude. So, amplitude is also a way of measuring the energy has.
The higher the energy, the higher the amplitude resulting a louder sound.
The system used to measure the loudness of sounds is the decibel system, given the unit dB.
Range (dB)
0 - 30
Very Quiet
This is the threshold of human hearing, up to the sound of a quiet whisper.
31 - 50
This is an average quiet house, with maybe the sound of a fridge running or someone moving around.
51 - 70
Regular daily sounds like people talking.
71 - 90
This is the point where a sound becomes annoying or distracting. Vacuums or a noisy car on a busy street are at these levels.
91 - 110
Very Loud
Most people will try to avoid being in areas this loud. Prolonged exposure can cause permanent ear damage. Temporary effects, like "stereo hiss", may happen.
111 +
Even limited exposure to levels this high will cause permanent hearing loss.
Amplifier is a device to increase the loudness of sound by use of an external energy source. It drives the loudspeakers used in PA system to make the human voice louder.

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